Celebrate Agegracefully 7th Anniversary With Us!


我们的必备系列具有三合一功能。有手动报警器,在用户遇到紧急情况需要引起注意时可以派上用场。 LED 头灯以可调节的视角照亮通道。这提高了需要下床去洗手间的用户的可见性。能见度红色闪光灯使用户能够被其他道路使用者(汽车和踏板车)看到,从而使夜间步行更安全。

Michael J Fox

"I often say now I don't have any choice whether or not I have Parkinson's, but surrounding that non-choice is a million other choices that I can make."

Research Paper

Recognition of freezing of gait in Parkinson's disease based on combined wearable sensors: https://bmcneurol.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12883-022-02732-z

Parkinson's News Today Article

Article by Dr. Steve Bryson Wearable Leg Sensors Accurately Detect Parkinson's Freezing of Gait: